La hija de Carlos Vives se vuelve a desnudar en Instagram, pero esta vez no le gustó a sus fans ?

En entrevista con la revista colombiana, Vives señaló que no tiene ningún tipo de tabú con su cuerpo.3 min

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La hija de Carlos Vives, Lucy Vives, volvió a atreverse con un desnudo en las redes sociales.

En la imagen, que ya cuenta con casi 60 mil likes, vemos a la joven como Dios la trajo al mundo, mirando el lente de la cámara y cubriendo sus pechos con su cabello. “Feliz sábado a todos. Extraño la hermosa calidez de la desnudez…”, escribió Vives en el pie de la fotografía que compartió el pasado domingo en su cuenta de Instagram.

Si bien algunos fans elogiaron a la modelo, otros cibernautas se mostraron preocupados por su extrema delgadez. “Se la ve demasiado delgada. Le falta alimento físico y espiritual”, escribió un seguidor. “¿Qué le pasó, está enferma? Está en los huesos”, apuntó otro, según lo reseñado por People.

Los fans de Lucy reaccionaron ante las críticas. “Todos merecemos respeto, delgadas, gordas, o como estemos. Es más importante construirnos y tener autoestima que andar criticando a las demás, sobre todo entre chicas. Si cada uno trabajáramos por nuestra conciencia y nuestro crecimiento espiritual dejaríamos de criticar y nos enfocaríamos en lo [verdaderamente] importante”, señaló un fan.

woman vs. human • as a young girl i was taught the importance of posture. i was taught ballet and was, luckily, born in a time and place that encouraged primary and even secondary education for young girls. actually, it enforced it. i came to appreciate education and books as quickly as i realized that it was a privilege many women before me didn’t have • during the elizabethan era, it became attractive for women to have private tutors teach them how to be considered cultured and respected in a wealth driven society. a little literature, sometimes a foreign language, a crazy instrument, and , always , how to be a lovely dance partner and mother is what being a woman’s been about. i was even sent to cooking class as a kid. imagine that… a soon to be perfectly maleable, and docile creature for whoever had the privilege to claim me. honestly, as im writing this, i even fantasize about poise and chivalry a little here n there… but as i continue to think about the root of things, i see clearly that even cultured / educated women were and are desirable for a reason. they’re either fascinating, or proof that their families could afford to get the girl someone to teach her a few poems and even have enough time and money to practice the piano daily. wouldn’t that make her a catch? a lovely mother? a wonderfully dependent wife? the truth is, even as the woman’s role evolved, the intention and purpose of her development and standard stayed the same. true, inner freedom for women flourished at such a slow rate, that women lost sight of their unique individuality. their very own potential to grow. we thought our whole happiness and our whole lives would, essentially, be crap unless we were a mom, a great damn mom, and a wife.. a ‘perfect’ wife. these two factors became our limit… our ultimate , our final and our only. it became the definition of our liberation. • a thought i wanted to share as im rereading the feminine mystique by betty friedan… • people cant really feel the freedom of being human unless they can have real, actual freedom to choose.. to be.. and to want.. themselves. • ? @perazna ? @katerina_martina

Una publicación compartida de lucia vives (@lucyvives) el

No es la primera vez que la hija del intérprete de “Robarte un beso” y “La tierra del olvido” posa ligera de ropa.

it was an absolute dream and an incredible honor to feature on the cover and inner spread of the 2017 Dec. – Jan. 2018 edition of MAXIM Magazine in Colombia • besides the 3 days of food poisoning , throwing up before and after nearly each shot (this one included) , the crashing and flipping over of a Can-Am motor cart with me n @cv420 inside, you can barely freaking tell here ! i had the blessing and privilege to stay at a breathtaking eco-hotel at a natural reserve in Guatapé , Antioquia that is home and sanctuary to more bird species than there are in All of England. facts. this eco hotel cares for some of Colombia’s most endangered species, monkeys that visit you for breakfast, a puma, deer, a cougar, 5 black swans, and Acres n Acres n Acres of beautifully nourished green land for all the flaura to flourish in health • massive thank you to our talented team of badasses and the opportunity to feature in the cover of this gentleman’s magazine, as a latin queer woman, shot by a latin female photographer to talk about feminism and philosophy • wholly grateful !! pick up a copy lmk whatchu think ❤?❤ • ⚠⚠⚠⚠. the article’s interview unfortunately features some fallacious information regarding huracán maria … including stating 13 casualties is an insult to claim after the hundreds reaching thousands that lost family members. @maximcolombia @maximmag ? @perazna • styled by @nataliauribevprodstyling • location @hotelmanantialesdelcampo

Una publicación compartida de lucia vives (@lucyvives) el




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