¿Hailey Baldwin eres tú? El cambio de look de Selena Gomez que hizo que la compararan con la esposa de Justin Bieber ??

La artista lleva rato sorprendiendo a los fanáticos con su nueva vida, rutinas, música y hasta aspecto1 min

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Aunque desde muy temprana edad, Selena Gomez se vio vinculada con el mundo del entretenimiento; no fue sino cuando pasó a protagonizar la serie de Disney, ‘Los hechiceros de Waverly Place’, posteriormente se vio dedicada de lleno a la música.

Con altos y bajos, Selena siempre ha sabido mantener conectada a su fanaticada con su trabajo. Hace unos días buscó dar de qué hablar y hacer saltar a sus fanáticos de sorpresa y es que, se mostró con una cambió de look que hacía creer que se había aburrido de su color negro y se lo había cambiado a rubio.

No obstante, se trató de una broma; todo se hizo con ayuda de Photoshop. Pero, quedó en evidencia que someterse a este cambio no le caería nada mal. Muchos la piropearon; otros se sirvieron en compararla con la esposa de su ex Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin.

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[straight hair; colours] Blonde or black? -both? (Credit to @bambiselyy for this AMAZING manip {left side}! ily babe) I think we can all agree that her black her was a serve and gave such bad ass vibes. Furthermore it’s time for blondlena to return because we couldn’t enjoy enough time with her ugh ??❤️ qυσтє: " It took me a long time to understand what it means to forgive someone. I always wondered how I could forgive someone who chose to hurt me? But after a lot of soul searching, I realized that forgiveness is not about accepting or excusing their behavior. It's about letting it go and preventing their behavior from destroying my heart.“ – @pinterest ♡ Forgiveness is essentially to move on and truly live free from the past. Too many times the term forgiveness and excusing has been mixed up. Forgiving is not about excusing any behavior or mistake that has been made. It’s neither about accepting what happened or someone did to you. It’s rather about looking forward and not letting your past ruin your present. Easier said than done of course but if you can’t do it for them do it for yourself. I don’t know what you’ve been through and I’m not here to judge you but I beg you to forgive people. It gives them peace even if they don‘t deserve you.. give it to them. Don’t let them suffer. It’s an act of maturity and growth to forgive. Moreover it allows you to let go of whatever happened. Like I’ve said: it’s vital. Forgiving others isn’t only about giving others peace but also yourself. Believe me. It feels good even tho you might think it’s a foolish decision. Let me remember you: God always forgave you. And you might have done way worse things. If he’s able to forgive you everything then don’t resentful yourself. Treat people like you wish to be treated. I love you. Be safe and happy? -M? #selenagomez #selenator #hair #blonde #black #forgiveness #quote #pinterest #haircolour #selfie

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