De Gomez a Rodríguez ¿Será esta la nueva novia de Justin Bieber?

2 min


[dropcap]J[/dropcap]ustin Bieber se presentó el pasado domingo en la ciudad de Miami, y aprovechó para vivir de cerca toda la cultura de la ciudad catalogada como la capital latina del mundo… Tanto, que no solo se dio un baño de sol en la playa junto a su pequeño y adorable hermano, sino que también se hizo acompañar de una guapa modelo boricua de nombre, Alexandra Rodríguez.


Exclusive... 52113481 Singer Justin Bieber is seen with Puerto Rican model Alexandra Rodriguez as he spends the day on his yacht in Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. The model must have forgotten her bathing suit as she was wearing Justin's red Nike shorts and an oversized shirt. As usual, Justin had a hard time keeping his own swimming trunks on, often showing off his Calvin Klein underwear. Also along for the day out was Justin's energetic little brother, Jaxon Bieber. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO UNITED KINGDOM,NO AUSTRALIA
Exclusive… 52113481 Singer Justin Bieber is seen with Puerto Rican model Alexandra Rodriguez as he spends the day on his yacht in Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. The model must have forgotten her bathing suit as she was wearing Justin’s red Nike shorts and an oversized shirt. As usual, Justin had a hard time keeping his own swimming trunks on, often showing off his Calvin Klein underwear. Also along for the day out was Justin’s energetic little brother, Jaxon Bieber. FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA – +1 (310) 505-9876 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO UNITED KINGDOM,NO AUSTRALIA
Exclusive... 52113483 Singer Justin Bieber is seen with Puerto Rican model Alexandra Rodriguez as he spends the day on his yacht in Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. The model must have forgotten her bathing suit as she was wearing Justin's red Nike shorts and an oversized shirt. As usual, Justin had a hard time keeping his own swimming trunks on, often showing off his Calvin Klein underwear. Also along for the day out was Justin's energetic little brother, Jaxon Bieber. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO UNITED KINGDOM,NO AUSTRALIA
FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA


Alexandra Rodríguez es una joven modelo de 24 años que nunca antes había sido vista acompañando al cantante canadiense, pero que se mostraron muy relajados, como si nadie los estuviera viendo. Dos jóvenes de vacaciones en un yate pasándolo bien, con poca ropa y mucho confort.

En seguida saltaron las alarmas, como no podía ser de otra manera: ¿se trata de una amiga? ¿Es algo más? ¿Saldría a pasear con una amiga cualquiera? Y, por supuesto, nosotros invitamos a la calma: Justin también fue visto hace unos días con Ashley Benson, nuestra querida actriz, ¡y eso no significa nada! ¡Puede tratarse de simples amigos!

Exclusive... 52113511 Singer Justin Bieber is seen with Puerto Rican model Alexandra Rodriguez as he spends the day on his yacht in Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. The model must have forgotten her bathing suit as she was wearing Justin's red Nike shorts and an oversized shirt. As usual, Justin had a hard time keeping his own swimming trunks on, often showing off his Calvin Klein underwear. Also along for the day out was Justin's energetic little brother, Jaxon Bieber. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO UNITED KINGDOM,NO AUSTRALIA
FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA
Exclusive... 52113488 Singer Justin Bieber is seen with Puerto Rican model Alexandra Rodriguez as he spends the day on his yacht in Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. The model must have forgotten her bathing suit as she was wearing Justin's red Nike shorts and an oversized shirt. As usual, Justin had a hard time keeping his own swimming trunks on, often showing off his Calvin Klein underwear. Also along for the day out was Justin's energetic little brother, Jaxon Bieber. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO UNITED KINGDOM,NO AUSTRALIA
FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA
Exclusive... 52113478 Singer Justin Bieber is seen with Puerto Rican model Alexandra Rodriguez as he spends the day on his yacht in Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. The model must have forgotten her bathing suit as she was wearing Justin's red Nike shorts and an oversized shirt. As usual, Justin had a hard time keeping his own swimming trunks on, often showing off his Calvin Klein underwear. Also along for the day out was Justin's energetic little brother, Jaxon Bieber. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO UNITED KINGDOM,NO AUSTRALIA
FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA

Hasta el momento no ha habido una confirmación oficial ni una imagen que compruebe que entre Rodríguez y Bieber hay algo, sin embargo, algunas personas que los vieron paseando en Miami el lunes y martes, aseguraron que Justin la trataba muy cariñosamente, iban tomados de la mano y se dieron uno que otro beso… Claro, eso hacen los grandes amigo.

La prensa norteamericana en seguida apunto que Alexandra es una chica «muy latina», con la apariencia física muy parecida a Selena Gomez, «tal y como le gusta a Justin».

A Justin le encanta la sazón latina





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